The second stage of MSI 2021, “The Rumble,is the first time in the tournament that all six teams remaining faced each-other, not once, but twice. This all vs. all format immediately sparked thoughts of a Mexican standoff. For this tease we decided to take a surrealist, comedic approach on our inspiration, creating a Japanese-exploitation-film inspired sketch that pits all six teams against each other in an iconic standoff at The Rumble.

This video posed particular challenges, including limited player availability, working with several foreign languages and directing non-actors cinematically. Additionally the piece needed to be finalized for broadcast within 24-hours of finishing production. Because of this, the video was meticulously storyboarded and pre-edited in advance.

CLIENT: Riot Games
: Josh Frackleton | PRODUCER: Nick Brown
SERVICES PROVIDED: Development, Production, Editing, Color, Sound
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland